We are reliable synthesizers and suppliers’ Potassium Chloride. The product is manufactured using high quality raw ingredients, and is therefore of a high quality and purity. The item occurs as a prismatic crystal which is colorless or cubic crystal which is white in color.

Potassium chloride is used in Chemicals raw material, Pharma, photography, electrode cells, and also finds uses in many other areas. The product can be obtained from us in required quantities, and is economically priced



Grade Technical Pure
Mol Wt 74.55 74.55
Appearance White/Off white Crystalline Powder Snow White
Assay 97% Min 99% Min
Potassium - -
Iron (Fe) - 0.005% Max
Water Insoluble 1% 0.05% Max
Moisture at 1050 C 0.5% 0.5% Max
pH of 5% Solution 6 to 8 6 to 8
Solubility - Clear Solution
Arsenic - 5 PPM Max
Lead (Pb) - 5 PPM Max


Clean India green India